Monastery of Santa Maria de Salzedas

Monastery of Salzedas
Monastery of Salzedas
Monastery of Santa Maria de Salzedas

In its time, it was one of the largest Cistercian monasteries in Portugal, grantee of vast surrounding lands, with the obligation to cultivate and populate them.

Its construction began in 1155, right after the land was donated to the Order by Egas Moniz, D. Afonso Henriques’s assistant, and his wife Teresa Afonso. It was consecrated in 1255, when the monastic complex was completed.

The large church stands out, imposing, in the middle of the uniform houses of the small village that was formed to the east. Between the centuries In the 16th and 18th centuries, the temple was extensively remodeled and the façade that you can see today, which is actually unfinished, is entirely from the 18th century. Inside there are still traces of the original structure, namely one of the apse chapels that still keep the capitals of Romanesque decoration. Noteworthy are two paintings attributed to 16th century master Vasco Fernandes (Grão Vasco) representing Santo Peregrino and São Sebastião and several other paintings from the 18th century. XVII, by Bento Coelho da Silveira.

The monastic part developed towards the south, in articulation with the Torno river, in compliance with Cister’s requirement to build its dependencies along water courses. Currently only two cloisters remain.

Source: Turismo de Portugal

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